Todd Haller

Todd Haller

Senior Cadre- Shooting Instructor

Todd Haller
Senior Shooting Instructor

Todd Haller began teaching for ESI as a Senior Shooting Instructor in 2004. He is a Patrol/Training Sergeant with the Snowmass Village Police Department and has been in law enforcement since 1995. Todd is the Training Director for the Roaring Fork Regional multi-agency firearms, arrest control, use of force, and driving training programs. Todd has been a firearms instructor since 2001 in Handgun, Rifle, Shotgun, and Select Fire weapons.

Todd has been a Colorado POST Lead Firearms Instructor since 2004 and currently teaching Firearms, Rapid Response, Search/Entry techniques, Use of Force, and Arrest Control at the Colorado Mountain College Law Enforcement Academy.

Todd taught and competed in firearms across the nation as part of the Safariland Shooting School and as a guest instructor at the yearly Action Target Law Enforcement Training Camp. In addition, he is an Instructor Trainer for the Colorado POST Handgun Instructor classes for the County Sheriffs of Colorado Association. He has taught LEO’s and military across the nation.